Changing Lives One Need at a Time.
Our mission at The Vital Foundation is to build lives from the ground up starting with a solid foundation. We are an organization that helps make the connection between a community of people eager to help others to those in the community deserving and willing to do the work to build a vital foundation!

How You Can Get Involved
We need Volunteers as well as monetary Donations
Volunteer Program
One of the programs we have at The Vital Foundation is a mentor-ship and life coaching plan for those that have never had the opportunity to develop skills that are vital to bettering yourself as a person. This could be helping someone with college applications, budgeting, financial health, physical health and more. You are able to help in a group setting or a one on one setting depending on the circumstances and situation. If you have a skill set that you would like to teach to others who are willing to learn, please consider being a volunteer.
Example Mentor Areas
- Help with college applications
- Finances – Financial Peace University
- Household bills and budgets
- Raising Kids as a single mom
- Life lessons for college students
Financial Assistance
The Vital Foundation does provide financial assistance to fully vetted and deserving need requests. In helping people we have found many times people in the community want to donate or give to specific needs that they are passionate about. We are the conduit that partners givers with people needing assistance. Our commitment however is never to just meet someone’s need without putting them on a path to learning how to avoid the same situation in the future. We do this with help of our volunteer mentors and life coaches that hold them accountable and help them learn how to be wise stewards of money, time, and resources so they can in turn become someone that is able to meet others needs in the future.
Example Financial Assistance
- Housing assistance program
- College Application fees
- Financial Peace University
- Approved bills
- School related expenses for students
What We Do
Simply put we want to help individuals and families have the opportunity to become the best they can be without being limited by lack of knowledge or education. We believe people need accountability and mentor-ship to truly change and while we desire to help meet the needs of those in the community, our goal is to meet those needs so that person is able to learn and grow so they in turn are able to meet someone else’s need in the future. So many people grow up without a positive influence to encourage them and that is what we strive to do. Find people in the community who are passionate about helping others and pairing them up with people who have overcome similar circumstances.
Our Story
The Vital Foundation was formally established by business owners and community leaders who had a desire to meet the needs of others but also mentor them so they are not finding themselves in the same situations. As interest grew, they found many like minded individuals who were excited to meet specific needs rather than just give money to an organization. That is what The Vital Foundation is doing. Yes, we take monetary donations but also give people the ability to mentor the people that have needs and help them learn skills and encourage them when so many people sometimes do not have that positive influence or role model.
Kindra Roy is the President of the organization and has oversaw many projects for the past 6 years. It began with a small Facebook group she started called Operation Christmas Lights which paired families that wanted to give to people that had needs. The heart of the Vital Foundation was birthed back then. In 2019, she partnered with business leaders in the community to form a 501c3 organization to expand and help the community by offering help throughout the year.
Ongoing Causes
The Vital Foundation has projects that are going on year round and seasonally. Currently we are focused on Operation Christmas Lights which helps make Christmas a reality for those that need a helping hand this Holiday season. We also have Financial Peace University classes that will be offered on a quarterly basis or as needed.
Operation Christmas Lights
If you or someone you know has a need this Christmas that you would like to apply for help, please use the form linked below to tell us about your request. If you would like to sponsor a family or a child, please click the donate now button and those funds will be used exclusively for this project.
Operation Christmas Lights Application
Financial Peace University
We believe that if we help someone with a financial need but do not put them on the path to manage finances, finances will always manage them. We are very strong supporters of Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University classes and desire to help people get control of their finances and learn to live like no one else so they can give like no one else. If you would like to help facilitate a class or if it is on your heart to sponsor the price of the class for someone, please consider volunteering or donating. The cost of each class is $150 per person and we want everyone to be able to take the class that wants to learn and is willing to do the work.
Get in Touch. Get Involved.
The Vital Foundation has need requests all year long and can benefit from your monthly contribution of either time or a monetary donation. We appreciate your partnership.
The Vital Foundation is a Section 501(c) (3) charitable organization, EIN 84-3332981. All donations are deemed tax-deductible absent any limitations on deductibility applicable to a particular taxpayer. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your contribution.